Thursday, August 4, 2011


We have scraps and can't bear to throw them out. We inherit fabric,  we acquire fabric, we use it and have left over pieces which don't go with anything.  We put them aside hoping to find a use for them. 
An Internet group I belong to had a challenge.  A challenge which was to be fun, not demanding and would help get rid of some scraps (pattern free, impulse driven).

It was called "Iron Quilter Challenge". 
The items I chose to use for my Iron Quilter Project.
The rules were:
Pick a focus fabric and 4-6 supporting fabrics (or scraps).
Any embellishments you want
A fabric that was not quilting cotton
Backing fabric

Set aside 2 hours of time.  Pick out your fabrics (don't use part of your 2 hours to pick fabrics and embellishments) and make a mini quilt 9x12 inches.  Use the six supporting fabrics, inserting them into the focus fabric creating another piece of fabric.   Finish in the two hours time (this is including the quilting). This was the general idea. 

When I heard the challenge size I immediately thought of a sheet of paper and decided I would make a note book cover.  This changed to a note book pouch.  I don't have any finished pictures of the project because I gave it to my niece to carry her crayons and paper to the hospital with her for her Chemo/Radiation treatments before I realized I didn't have finished pictures.

This is my creation from scraps.  I had a fat-quarter Laurel Burch fabric which I knew I would never use.  It would just be sitting in the stash.  With the cat theme I used the fake fur for the zipper opening of the pencil hold pocket.  The pocket was lined with bright orange dotted fabric.  I made a ball of yarn for a zipper pull.  I inserted the fabrics so the cats looked like they were peeking out from where they were hiding in a lumber pile.  The front was batted and backed with orange dot.  I quilted it in the ditch.

For the back I made a zipper in the middle so she could slip a note book inside.  
I joined the zipper back to the front and used a binding I had left over from another quilt.
It was a fun exercise.  It was freeing not to have a preconceived pattern.  Now months later I used the idea to contrive a folder cover for myself.  This is a little larger.  I received a fat quarter from a friend in my favorite colors.  But as with all fat quarters there wasn't enough fabric to make a quilt or to use for an accent fabric in a quilt.  What was I to do with it (it was too busy to use for applique)?  Looking at it, I thought back to the Iron Quilter challenge.  I thought I will make something for my self.  I recently bought myself a large plastic file folder to use for filing instructions for current projects.  I am always needing things like reading glasses, rulers, pencils ETC.  I thought I will make a "cover bag" for it.  I set about measuring it, I knew I wanted to make a bag with a box bottom to accommodate the file case when it was loaded with goodies. 

I proceeded to grow my fabric so I would have enough fabric for both sides.  If I didn't, I knew I would have something in the stash to go with it.  The finished file folder cover is 15"x12"x1 1/2".

The folder cover front.
The folder slides into the top of the cover.
The colors are very purple, orange and a limey army green.
I put a zipper in the bottom row.  I put glasses and things like that in there.

Cover Back
The zipper opening on the left is a pocket the length of the cover.  I use it for rulers.

This will not be my last experience in "fabric insertion". This  has encouraged me to tame other fabrics to do my bidding.  I am curious as to what other objects d'art I can produce.  Hmm, maybe kitchen accessories for small appliances, or use the technique to make a fanciful set of place mats.  Each one different but all matching.  I am only limited by my imagination.
Take time and have fun, create something wonderful and utilitarian from your scraps

All pictures and writings are my own. 
Please ask permission before copying from my blogs.

Don't forget to raid your Stash. It is money saved, waiting to see how much interest it can earn!
Stash Raiding since January 1, 2010.

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